Ferguson: The Underestimated Consequences

ferguson-missouri-8“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself”- FDR

“A man willing to work, and unable to find work, is perhaps the saddest sight that fortune’s inequality exhibits under this sun” – Thomas Carlyle

I thought long and hard about whether to publish this. My hope is that it comes across the way it’s intended: as an honest and thoughtful expression of my own experiences and observations of what I see to be one of the greatest examples of modern social deconstruction.

There are no words for the horrendous events that have transpired in Ferguson, Missouri. As a St. Louis native, I am embarrassed for my city on a local and national level, and it’s difficult not to call this an issue of race.

On August 18, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon signed an order deploying the National Guard to Ferguson, declaring martial law. Generally, the institution of martial law contemplates some use of military force. To a varying extent, depending on the martial law order, government military personnel have the authority to make and enforce civil and criminal laws. Certain civil liberties may be suspended, such as the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, freedom of association, and freedom of movement. And the writ of Habeas Corpus, which allows persons who are unlawfully imprisoned to gain freedom through a court proceeding, may be suspended (Legal Dictionary).

The riots started August 9. By August 18, more than 130 people were arrested and charged with refusal to disperse. This action can be argued many different ways, but the bottom line is that it’s a nonviolent crime. Even now, the protesting is still going on. New numbers have yet to be released, but folks are still being arrested for what can reasonably be called nonviolent crimes. They are essentially being “bagged and tagged” because under martial law, basic civil rights are thrown out the door. In most cases, police aggravation is what sparks reactions out of people who are peacefully protesting. What I mean by this: If one is peacefully protesting with thousands of people marching behind them, a solider (not police officer) asks a moving crowd to stop, it doesn’t happen at the exact moment the request was put in place, the crowd proceeds and the cop is bumped into, that peaceful assembly has now turned into the assault of a military officer under martial law. Assaulting a federal officer is “as per the section whoever forcibly assaults, resists, opposes, impedes, intimidates, or interferes with any person designated as an officer or employee of the U.S. while engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties” (uslegal.com). It will land you one year in prison. If you actually make contact, a maximum of eight years in prison will be recommended. In a crowd of those both peacefully and unjustifiably protesting, intent versus impact is a battle of interpretation.

To clarify, I am not writing to justify any side of the argument. My goal is to shed light on what I see to be the unintended consequences of law enforcement arrests of these protesters and how the repercussions could spark a potential end to the lower middle class.

In previous blog posts, I have mentioned entities such as the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). HUD provides assistance to 3.5 million people in need by supplying housing authorities such as the St. Louis Housing Authority with funding to support low-income housing. For example, section 8 vouchers help individuals supplement housing in the private market. These people are low-income families, elderly and the disabled whose income cannot exceed 50 percent of the median income of the area where they want to live. Those who choose to rent instead of buy use section 8 vouchers. Those who choose to buy use the department of HUD’s FHA Loan.

FHA is a faction of HUD created by Congress in 1934. FHA helped finance military housing and homes for returning veterans after WWII. In the 50s, 60s and 70s, FHA sparked the production of millions of units of privately owned apartments for elderly, handicapped and lower income Americans (HUD.Gov) — but let’s call a spade a spade: These are commonly known as the projects. FHA shifted gears once again in the 80s, offering housing to potential borrowers during a recession by providing assurance through home insurance that these loans wouldn’t default. This method is still being used today. FHA has 4.8 million insured, making them the biggest home provider in the world! This is because FHA requires homebuyers to put only 3.5 percent down to buy a home, compared to a conventional mortgage requirement (which isn’t government-backed) of 20 percent down. FHA is one of the best buys for first-time homebuyers. Local housing authorities in the state an individual resides determine how the money is spent. This rule has been deemed federal law, I might add.

The Fair Housing Act of 1968 deemed it illegal to discriminate against special protected classes like race, ethnicity, religion, family status, disability and gender orientation. Most everyone can agree that these have been discriminated against for years, and such protection is justifiable. None of these classes should affect one’s ability to own or rent a home. But there is one set of individuals that isn’t recognized as a protected class: the formally incarcerated. In some areas, being arrested alone will disqualify someone with a criminal background from buying or receiving rental vouchers through HUD.

So why aren’t ex-cons or those who have been arrested part of a protected class? Are they not good enough to receive federal funds after serving their time? It’s my understanding that while they are incarcerated, federal funds keep the prison running. I urge readers to look at this from a problematic approach. If you have gone to jail and served your time, aren’t you now a law-abiding citizen? Yes, you broke the law at one point, but that was then and this is now.

The foundation of the American dream is a job and a home to call your own. For a convicted criminal, chances of getting a job starting at $40,000 a year are slim to none. Most likely, an ex-con will be able to get a job that is low wage. However, there are a lot of individuals who have jobs considered to be low wage. FHA and HUD are aware of this; they know not everyone can have their dream jobs for a number of reasons. That’s why FHA and HUD exist, to provide assistance to these individuals and help supplement housing via home ownership or through renting. Not if you are an ex-con, though; no, you don’t have that right anymore. It is already extremely difficult for someone with criminal history to get a job, but now they can’t have a home? Without a job and a place to stay, aren’t they likely to reoffend?

The average amount a first-time homebuyer going through FHA will spend is $120,000. At a 5 percent interest rate with a 30-year term, that mortgage will be $590, not including taxes and insurance. Most homeowners are in their first home for seven years. By that time, the home will have $34,220 in mortgage payments and a mortgage insurance of $119.42 (totaling $6,926.36 over the years), for a grand total of $41,146.36. Currently, it costs $47,102 a year on average to incarcerate an inmate in a state prison in the United States. Which is more expensive: subsidizing living expenses or sending someone to jail?

In Ferguson, 64.7 percent of the population is black, and 29.3 percent is white. That’s a stat you can Google. African Americans constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population, nearly six times the rate of whites. As I stated previously, it’s hard not to make this an issue of race because when you looked at your televisions, who did you see protesting? The median household income for the city of Ferguson is $37,000. African Americans currently hold the lowest median household income of all races with $30,134. In the 1990 census, residents of Ferguson comprised 73.8 percent white, while those identified as black made up 25.1 percent. By 2010, it was 67.4 percent black and 29.3 percent white. All the while, the population has only decreased by 22,149 in 1960 to 21,111 in 2013. The numbers don’t lie — Ferguson is a prominently black city.

What have the news outlets been saying? Ferguson is a once growing city. How do you stop the growth of a population? You divide and conquer. How do you stop the growth of a man? You incarcerate. What is the predominant stereotype for a black child growing up? He doesn’t have a father at home or his mother is on drugs. Typically, if the father is not home, he has been incarcerated. When he returns to start his life over, what happens? He is denied the ability to create a foundation because without a job, there is no home. Even if there is a job, he can only afford low-income housing. But now, he can be denied that because he isn’t part of a protected class.

How do we accomplish this with the masses? Create a riot and they will come. Institute martial law and we can arrest for anything. I’m not calling for conspiracy — I am sparking thought. Offering federal money to criminals will create opportunities to exploit the system, but I argue housing vouchers keep people out of jail, out of a lifestyle of crime, and they’re cheaper!

The things that have happened in Ferguson are horrible. There are peaceful protesters both black and white who are being arrested and charged with crimes under martial law. Most of these individuals are young adults who will eventually be homebuyers. They will need federal funds to purchase a home and start that foundation. According to the numbers, most of these young adults are African American. It is already tough socioeconomically for African Americans, but by arresting these young adults, law enforcement is deconstructing a once-growing city. This is happening not only in Missouri but also all over our country, and it’s been going on for decades. I cannot and will not sit and watch it happen anymore. I have turned off my TV. For this to be happening in my own city is disheartening.

Currently, New Orleans has the highest population of ex-cons in the nation. The city recognized this, and the New Orleans Housing Authority made ex-cons a protected class. That’s right, the state can make its own protected classes! Just like every other federal law, states have the right to amend. We all remember Hurricane Katrina. How many of those homes destroyed were deemed low-income, impoverished or high-drug, given close to no federal government backing to rebuild, and have now been labeled dead zones? That’s a post for another time.

Stop looking and judging because you are witnessing something huge and it might be hitting close to home. You want to protest? Urge Governor Jay Nixon to make convicted criminals a protected class and protect our city from being a city of social deconstruction.

The Mike Brown episode was tragic and I feel for his family, it will be a story I will for sure tell my kids one day. The facade of America being the greatest country in the world is quickly fading but at what point will the people appointed to protect us realize that.

Thanks for reading,

The Mortgage Story By Victor Brown-Roberson

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There Really is.. No Place Like Home

He who molds the public sentiment… makes statutes and decisions possible or impossible to make.

– Abraham Lincoln

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.

LeBron James will be making a very important life decision soon — he might have already made it by the time you read this blog. A lot of us probably can’t relate to LeBron opting to walk away from $20 million that the Miami Heat offered him, but there is no denying the fact that the next team he chooses to play for will define him. LeBron is making a decision that many of us 20-somethings reading this struggle with. What makes you loyal to your company or your position? What will it take for you to leave or at least begin looking for other opportunities? These are all important questions. This got me thinking about another important life decision that LeBron will be making. Ultimately, he will be deciding where he will be living. LeBron does have homes in both Miami and Cleveland, but the point is that wherever he decides to remain or “take his talents to” will be the place he calls home 90 percent of the year.

The decision on where we live is a life decision that is pretty encumbering. There are so many factors to think about: apartment, single family home or condo? Which part of the city? One bedroom? Two bathrooms? Roommates? An article in Forbes magazine titled “10 Valuable Career Lessons To Learn From LeBron James” hints at 10 things we can learn from LeBron’s “Decision,” when he left Cleveland for sunny South Beach. We all know about its aftermath, but there are valuable lessons to learn from it.

In this edition of The Mortgage Story by Victor B.R., I take those 10 strategies and explain how they can help you with your decision on buying a home. Not everyone is ready to buy a house, so it’s important to note that when I mention home, I am referring to a condo, house, apartment, etc. That decision may not be in the foreseeable future for some, but it will be a decision that can define your life when the time comes. There is nothing black or white about these scenarios. Our decisions are influenced by professional goals, personal goals and dreams that we establish early in life. These 10 strategies should help.

1)  Define your brand…then own it- Know who you are. If you are a city slicker, love the suburbs or the country — own it! Nothing is worse than buying a home in an area that doesn’t fit your needs from a social and emotional standpoint. LeBron James defined himself as the King of Basketball and rolled with it. If you like the country, live in the country. If you love the loud noises of city nightlife, go for it. If you want two kids and a white picket fence, get yourself a minivan and buy that home.

2) Assign your own value- Know the value of home ownership, and make sure you are ready for it. If owning a home has no value to you now, don’t feel obligated to buy a home; continue to rent. Buying a home should be something of value to you. If it’s not, nothing good will come out of the ownership. It will just become a burden that you carry.

3) Continue honing your craft- If owning a home is something that you want to do in the next few years, start your research now! Continue that research until you are ready to get serious about it. Zillow — while not the best estimator — is a great place to start.

4) Position yourself to have options- If home ownership is a goal of yours, it is important to put yourself in a position to make that goal attainable. Think about what you want your first home to look like, and research how much it will cost. Start saving money, apply for jobs in the city you want to live in, and figure out where getting married or having children falls in your hierarchy of needs. It is important to have your goals parallel with your decisions.

5) Always keep your options open- Don’t just settle on a house, condo, loft, trailer, mobile home, new construction, etc. The choice is yours, but it is important that you look at everything when considering which option is best for you.

6)  Be willing to compromise to get what you want- Your first home might not be your dream home, but that is ok. On average, people are in their first home seven or eight years. Families get bigger, people get job offers, they want to be in better school districts, etc. Unlike the baby boomers, your first home won’t be your last. It’s ok if it doesn’t have everything. You’ll get more in the next home, but even then, you’ll compromise.

7)  Never play your hand before you’re ready to make a move- This is simple one: Make sure you get pre-approved before you actually go house shopping. If you want to avoid heartache, make sure you can actually be financed for the home you want to buy. Nothing is worse than finding a home you are in love with and discovering at the last minute that you cannot afford it. Talk to your mortgage banker, Victor Brown-Roberson, to get pre-approved.

8) Negotiate from a place of authority- When you are ready to buy a home, it will behoove you to have a reputable real estate agent. Contrary to popular belief, acquiring a real estate agent to help you find a home costs you nothing — it’s free! But don’t go fishing online. Ask your friends who have bought homes, or ask your mortgage banker, Victor Brown-Roberson.

9) Leverage your brand- You spent the time finding a good real estate agent, you know what kind of home you want, you have options, and you have a pre-approval. Act as such: Play the part, but as a buyer, don’t show the seller all your cards. You have aligned yourself with enforcements — let the seller sell you on buying.

10)   Don’t burn bridges- The professionals you ask for help are there to guide you. Treat them as professionals, but also remember that they are doing their jobs, and they are doing the best they can. There might come a time when you need these people again, and word spreads fast.

When LeBron decided to leave Cleveland, it was a calculated decision. He was aware that money was being left on the table, but he wanted a ring — and he got two. This next decision will be a calculated one, too, but LeBron has put himself in a solid position by knowing his goals and following a plan. Eventually, you will be ready to buy home, and you owe it yourself to make sure “The Decision” is a well-calculated plan.

Thanks for reading,

The Mortgage Story By Victor Brown-Roberson

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You Can Buy Your Home And Eat Your Cake Too..

I will tell you right now, that buying a home is one the biggest investments you will make in your lifetime.

It’s a lot of money being spent upfront to make it happen, but also there will be a lot of money spent over the next 20 to 30 years during occupancy.

More Importantly, you are putting your trust in me to guide you through the process of buying that home. There are thousands of individuals that are in my line of work, but you choose me and for that I am truly grateful to all my home buyers past and present.

This past week I decided to go beyond the thank you cards and go visit my buyers in their place of work. On those visits I decided to bring a surprise with me.

I brought cake! To celebrate my buyers “Loan Commitment”

Loan Commitment is that final “Thumbs UP” , it informs the buyer that everything is good to go and that home is yours.

This is a day that should be celebrated because, it symbolizes that next chapter in life for my buyers.

I truly do appreciate the husband and wife,the boyfriend and girlfriend, the engaged couple, and everyone else who welcomes me to be apart of that next chapter in their life.


Here are some pics from my office visits.


photo (5)

photo (6)

Thanks for reading,

The Mortgage Story By Victor Brown-Roberson

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You Don’t know What You Got Till It’s Gone

All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy.  –Scott Alexander

It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it. –Aung San Suu Kyi

Monday, Feb. 24, 2013 started out as a typical day for me. I woke up at 7:30, made toast and began calling my business partners. I like to call them before they get into the office on Monday to ask how their weekend went and see what they have coming up in the days ahead. It’s something I have found to be beneficial because it shows them I am up early and that I actually care about them outside of the business we do together. Once I ate breakfast and went through my phone calls, I showered and got ready to head into the office. During this time, I was beginning to wonder why I hadn’t gotten any morning emails — not just from the partners who promised to email but also the typical emails I get every weekday morning. I thought maybe my wireless Internet was down or that the phone update I did the previous night had something to do with it.

Still, I hit the highway and headed into the office. Typically on Monday, the office has the usual morning buzz: phones ringing, keyboards clicking and colleagues saying “good morning.” On this particular Monday morning, that buzz was nowhere to be found. Then the receptionist said, “The phones, Internet and email are all down, and we don’t know when they are coming back on.” It was 9:30 a.m. When servers are down at a financing company, it’s devastating, to say the least. Aside from phones and email, we also rely on the daily numbers from the stock market and bond market. Those essential numbers aren’t the same figures that can be found on CNBC, CNN or Fox News — they are from markets usually only finance experts see, and they come to our special internal server. When the Internet is down, our phone and email don’t work and neither does that server. We didn’t realize how much we relied on it until we had no access. The server didn’t come back on until 4:30 p.m., when the 25 emails I had stuck in the Matrix finally came through, and office buzz returned.

That night, I began to think about what had happened during the day. We were stuck in limbo — there was nothing any of us could do to fix what was happening. Something we depended on but paid no attention to had suddenly broken and froze us in time. I then thought about my last blog post on Mel Watt and how he alone is in charge of one of the biggest variables in our American economy. Don’t get me wrong: Mel Watt does have his constituents who help him make decisions and policies, but at the end of the day, it’s Mel Watt’s decision.

Mel Watt, while appointed by President Obama, is no way the same. What I mean by this is that the president cannot make end-all, be-all decisions (except in a time of war) without Congress, the Senate or the American public voting on it. Mel Watt is under no political control; his decisions on how the FHFA functions are final. I’m not saying that his best interest isn’t in the safety of the American economy or that he’s not a smart individual — the president would not have appointed him if he wasn’t. My point is that given the power Mel Watt has, are you willing to continue not paying attention? What happens if he develops a political agenda regarding the FHFA, and the system essentially breaks?

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measuring stick of economic growth; it calculates the total number of goods and services sold annually. GDP is tracked on a quarterly basis. Roughly speaking, housing contributes 2.2 percent of the country’s GDP, which accounts for almost $334 billion. This housing contribution also includes new construction: each new single-family detached home supports 3.05 jobs, and each new multifamily unit supports 1.16 jobs. Based on these multipliers and the latest available data on housing stats prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau, the current amount of construction is supporting an estimated 1.5 million jobs (Bipartisan Policy Center). Ninety percent of this housing is insured by Fannie and Freddie, who are under the conservatorship of the FHFA, which has one man in charge: Mel Watt. Last time I checked, this country is coming out of a recession with a current unemployment rate of 6.6 percent; 1.5 million jobs is a lot, given the facts.

These numbers aren’t meant to strike fear — they are merely facts. I, for one, am proud that America has product that contributes to our GDP and isn’t outsourced. This is a domestic good that we as an economy buy into and support. The more we contribute to housing, the more goes back into our economy — house cleaning, construction workers, contractors, loan originators, painters, lawn companies, pest companies (all goods and services). I use Mel Watt as my example because it’s a name you can easily Google to learn more. It’s an important name to know because he is in control of a very powerful entity that is crucial to our economy. We rely on our American economy, and we cannot continue to ignore it because it’s confusing. What I can promise is that this economy will prosper and it will fall again — any history book can tell you that.

I was stuck in limbo on Monday after my server crashed because we were not aware of its power regarding email, phone and Internet. Let’s not make that mistake when it comes to knowing what and who contributes to our American economy. The finger pointing following the 2007 financial meltdown should suffice as a good example. If the FHFA is just as important as Congress, the Senate and the Federal Reserve, why is there an uproar to take FHFA right under its feet by ridding Fannie and Freddie? Would this be good or bad for our economy? What’s so good about Fannie and Freddie? What do they actually do? In the next installment of the Mortgage Story by Victor B.R., I will tell you why some caucuses want Fannie and Freddie out, why they have been around so long and why they are going to be around for a while.

Frank Underwood has some thoughts about being left in the dark…

Thanks for reading,

The Mortgage Story By Victor Brown-Roberson

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No One Man Should Have All That Power?

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.                                                                                                                                                 –Abraham Lincoln

Kanye West isn’t right about a lot but is he right when said:                                               “No one man should have all that power” ?

The most powerful man in the world might not be who you think it is.

Before the most recent State of the Union address, I began to think about how the president was not only addressing the United States — he was essentially addressing the world. I say this because Americans aren’t the only ones who have a vested interest in our country; many foreign economies also depend on the prosperity of America. So, when it’s said that the President of the United States is the “most powerful man in the world,” it seems to be true. Yet there is a very close second, in my opinion, and it’s probably a man many of you haven’t heard of. His name is Mel Watt, the director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). If you’re not familiar with the FHFA, it’s an independent, government-sponsored enterprise that regulates Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the 12 Federal Home Loan Banks. The FHFA was established in 2008 under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act in reaction to the financial meltdown that led the American economy into recession. So, why is this a big deal?

Fannie Mae was created during the Great Depression as part of FDR’s New Deal. Its purpose was to help the mortgage market by securitizing mortgages with federal money. This is where the term “mortgage-backed securities” comes from. A mortgage-backed security allows lenders to put more of their assets into lending. That way, instead of the lender relying on local banks for money, the lender can issue more loans simply by buying FHA-insured mortgage. In turn, this increases the number of lenders in the market. The more lenders in the market, the more competitive the market will be, which helps the borrower (you) in the long run.

Fannie Mae dominated the secondary mortgage market until Freddie Mac was created in competition to generate a more efficient market. After the pitfalls of the 1980s, Fannie and Freddie were pressured by the federal government to participate in the financing of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families. The government’s goal was to have both of these GSEs (government-sponsored enterprise) purchase low- to moderate-income mortgages at 30 percent each. Towards the end of the 1990s, pressure from the secondary market to ease credit requirements on these mortgage loans created a lending practice that is now known as the subprime market.

What does this mean?

This subprime market meant a wiliness to securitize risky loans. Let’s remember that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are private entities sponsored by the government, so they do have shareholders to please. Money was to be made with lower underwriting standards, so pressure from shareholders led Fannie and Freddie to lower those standards. This allowed banks to change the type of mortgage products they loaned to borrowers. Mortgage products such as traditional fixed rate were traded in for nontraditional, non-amortizing ARMs and overall riskier loans. Banks did this because these loans were backed by insurance that Fannie and Freddie would pay back.

We know how the rest of the story goes: An oversupply of underpriced mortgages welcomed subprime borrowers who eventually defaulted. Then came foreclosures, then came bailout, then came recession. FHFA estimated that in 2010, it cost $360 billion to bail out Freddie and Fannie. So, what does this mean on a global scale? In 2008, Fannie and Freddie were officially put into conservatorship, allowing the U.S. Treasury to advance funds to them. This increased the national debt to $800 billion. China owns about $1.37 trillion dollars in U.S. Treasury bonds — many of which include mortgage bonds. A defaulting of Freddie and Fannie would result in a massive global economic disaster.

By now, I hope it’s clear that Fannie and Freddie play a significant role in our American and global economies. These GSEs are under the power of the FHFA, which is an independent federal agency that, although constitutionally part of the executive branch, is independent of presidential control. This agency, whose rules have the power of federal law, is run by one man: Mel Watt. Check out the next installment of the Mortgage Story by Victor B.R to learn why you should pay more attention to whom I consider to be one of the most powerful men in the world.

These two are very close 3rd!

Thanks for reading,

The Mortgage Story By Victor Brown-Roberson

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2014 Commitment not resolution

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language                                                        And next year’s words await another voice.”    ― T.S. EliotFour Quartets

“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” — Oprah Winfrey

I’m not a huge Star Wars fanatic, but I do like the movies. I must admit, Yoda got it right: We should stop trying and just do it. We have to make a commitment to ourselves that we are going to do what we say we’re going to do and not worry about failure. When we say we’re going to “try,” failure already exists in our minds and eventually manifests into reality. When you choose to just do something, the chances of success are greater. A resolution is a way of saying, “I will try to do something I am not accustomed to,” and we all know what happens to resolutions. So instead of making a resolution, make a commitment because it’s like making a promise to yourself, and no one wants to break that.

I love the fact that my company doesn’t have a voicemail service. The owner, Joseph Bayer, Sr., doesn’t believe in people talking to machines. When you call First Integrity Mortgage Services, our receptionist will pick up and transfer the call to the person you are trying to reach. If that person isn’t available, she will come back on the line, offer that person’s cellphone number and take down your name and preferred phone number. To me, that is exceptional customer service. When it comes to your personal investments, you shouldn’t have to settle for talking to a machine. To all my young professionals — if you are going to make some sort of New Year’s resolution, it should be: I will answer my phone, I will follow up, and I will be positive. These are things that you may think you do already; if that is the case, then your New Year’s resolution is to do all those things better. Following up with people is huge! Even if it’s a simple 30-second conversation, people appreciate it because it lets them know that at some point during your busy day, you thought about them and decided to call.

Also, stop referring to your customers as “clients.” That term drives me nuts because it makes it sound as if the person is just a number. If you constantly refer to someone as your client, then trust me, you are treating him or her as such. People can tell whether you’re doing something genuine or doing something out of muscle memory. So do yourself a favor, and stop treating your business relationships as clients. It all goes back to what we learned in elementary school: Treat others as you would like to be treated. You know what good customer service looks like, and you also know when someone is being genuine. Take time to check yourself every once and awhile, recognize if you’re becoming a robot, take responsibility for your actions, change and adjust, but most importantly, be kind, flexible, and keep a smile on your face in 2014.

Happy New Year and cheers to those who made into work today even though they’re “tired”

Thanks for reading,

The Mortgage Story By Victor Brown-Roberson

A Simple Thank You

If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.
– Frank A. Clark

I’ve never seen a corporate parking lot so empty! I’m sure by the time I leave the office today my car will be the only one left. This post won’t offer too much written content, my new years eve post will make up the difference. I usually post funny videos that in someway align with the points I try to convey in my posts. Today though, the video isn’t from; a movie,a cartoon, or something random on the internet.Today’s video, simply is from me


Thanks for reading,

The Mortgage Story By Victor Brown-Roberson

Yea Yea! I heard about that on the news last night… I think?

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”

― Albert Einstein

Sometimes I question myself and this blog: Why am I doing this? Do people get what I’m trying to say? Am I being too analytical? Am I writing about what people want to learn? Am I making this interesting? But what I have come to realize over the past few weeks is that this blog serves a purpose, which is to keep my friends, family and colleagues informed about an industry that is undoubtedly the backbone of the American economy.

I’ve noticed that the general public often ignores the financial industry unless some sort of catastrophic event occurs. When such an event is explained on TV, there is usually bias associated with it. If you’re watching a big cable news network, the information they are providing is somewhat skewed because at the end of the day, they need their bills paid by shareholders. To keep those shareholders happy, they must deliver the news they want to hear. On the other hand, your favorite local news channel simply does not have enough time to divulge half the news the big cable networks can give you. So, for the average American, watching the news to stay informed on financial analysis just isn’t a priority and isn’t worth the confusion.

Here is where this blog comes into play: My job is to provide unbiased, informative finance news you need to know, brought to you in a way that is fresh, easy to read and easy to understand. Heading into 2014, there are things you need to know, but in order for you to understand the terms, names and acronyms I’m going to use in the next few blog posts, I will need to explain them. They won’t be textbook verbiage; rather, they will be words and names that you probably have heard but never quite understood where they came from or what they mean. These next few blog posts will be short but precise, and I will do my best to make them easy to understand. Join me in this adventure of financial enlightenment.

Thanks for reading,

The Mortgage Story By Victor Brown-Roberson

Questions, Comments, down below or press the bubble up top

The Universal Dream We All Have

Webster says…

social science


1. The study of human society and of individual relationships in and to society.

2. A scholarly or scientific discipline that deals with such study, generally regarded as including sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, political science and history.


In my economics courses at the University of Missouri, the term social science came up very often. At first, this was a term that seemed trivial due to me not understanding what it really meant and why I heard it so often. When I tutored my peers in economics, they frequently said they needed my services because “I just don’t get econ” or “it’s just too confusing.” Any economics major has heard the phrase, “with everything else held constant,” numerous times. It means that simply, this is the situation, with everything else forgotten. For most — if not all — of my students, accepting a concept for its absolute meaning in the moment it’s presented, without thinking about anything else that could possibly happen, was very difficult and was the main reason they struggled. Granted, economics has thousands of terms and numbers one has to keep in mind, but an economist knows that these are just tools in the arsenal to derive an answer that is “absolute with everything else remained constant.” The tough part is conveying to students how to properly use these tools so that they don’t overthink a simple problem and turn it into a complicated one.

Victor Brown-Roberson First Integrity Mortgage Services Inc. 77 West Port Plaza, Suite 200 • St. Louis, MO 63146 •              314-878-7900

Victor Brown-Roberson
First Integrity Mortgage Services Inc.
77 West Port Plaza, Suite 200 • St. Louis, MO 63146 • 314-878-7900

People adjust to the economy in which they reside, whether it’s a dot-com technology economy, housing-for-anyone-and-everyone economy, the great depression or the current great recession. All of these peaks and troughs are explained using the study of economics. The numbers of economics help translate the science into a quantitative matter that helps big wigs explain to politicians who explain to news outlets who then in turn explains to the average individual why you can or cannot spend money. In order to get to the numbers though, economists must look at society as a whole to make sense of what’s currently going on and predict where things will fall. People might not realize that the economy moves up or down based on the decisions made by the general public. If you feel something is a good deal, you will buy it; if it’s a bad deal, you won’t buy. It all depends on what you see as a rational decision. In turn, that “easy” choice you make is being made by the rest of the world, too, and those yes-or-no decisions multiplied by billions change the world’s economy every day. The less one participates in the market, the less business, the less revenue put into a business and the more unemployment there is (relatively and theoretically speaking, of course). With that said, though, how one’s rational decisions for them and their family affects the economy is often the last thing on a person’s mind.

Buying a house is a huge decision. In my opinion, it’s the biggest investment someone makes in his or her lifetime. I say this because having a home means having a livelihood. It is a status symbol, saying you have finally arrived to adulthood and you have a good enough job that allows you to afford to put a decent roof over your head. If you are American or reside in America, owning a home is the beginning of your American dream. In order to own a home, you must first obtain a loan to begin the steps of finally calling yourself a homeowner (unless you have the money outright, which is very rare). That loan you need is called a mortgage. A home and a mortgage are like peas and carrots — they weren’t made together, but when put together they make a hell of a team. Yet before we can even think about making that team, we have to have the dream, the ambition and the goal of being a homeowner. That dream resides in everyone. That dream has survived the test of time. Join me in my next installment, and let’s figure out why.

Thanks for reading.

The Mortgage Story by Victor Brown-Roberson

Questions&Comments at the bottom or top of post